- 25/03/2024
Novel work on the validity of the rotating wave approximation
LINK: arXiv:2403.15342 - 13/02/2024
Novel work on particle creation in left-handed metamaterial transmission lines
LINK: arXiv:2401.16976 - 02/01/2024
Novel work on deciding finiteness of bosonic dynamics with tunable interactions
LINK: arXiv:2401.00069 - 01/01/2024
Happy New Year 2024
- 25/12/2023
Christus natus est nobis!
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Merry Christmas 2023 - 18/12/2023
Novel work on phonon-photon conversion as mechanism for cooling and coherence transfer
LINK: arXiv:2312.09837 - 07/06/2023
Novel work on gravity-induced electric currents
LINK: arXiv:2306.03742 - 12/05/2023
Novel work on quantum field heat engines powered by phonon-photon interactions
LINK: arXiv:2305.06445 - 09/04/2023
Resurrexit, sicut dixit. Alleluia!
Best wishes for a Holy Easter MMXXIII. - 31/03/2023
Novel work on gravitational redshift of quantum photons propagating in curved spacetime
LINK: arXiv:2303.17412 - 24/03/2023
Novel work on relativistic quantum communication between harmonic oscillator detectors
LINK: arXiv:2303.13162 - 13/01/2023
Novel work on quantum memories for fundamental science in space
- 31/12/2022
We wish all a peaceful Holy Christmas and a good start of the New Year. We also mourn the loss of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. - 25/04/2022
Novel work on the interplay of optomechanics and the Dynamical Casimir effect
[arXiv:2202.07950] - 17/02/2022
Novel work on observer dependence of photon bunching
[arXiv:2202.07950] - 03/09/2021
Novel work on Gravitational redshift inducing quantum interference
[arXiv:2109.00728] - 01/01/2022
Merry Holy Christmas and a happy New Year.
- 24/06/2021
Novel work on Spacetime effects on wavepackets of coherent light
[arXiv:2106.12424] - 13/02/2021
Novel work on Factorizing time evolution into elementary steps.
- 25/12/2020
Merry Holy Christmas in the heart of Lord Jesus and a happy New Year. - 07/09/2020
Novel work on master-equation treatments of nonlinear optomechanical systems with optical loss
[arXiv:2009.02295] - 18/08/2020
Novel work on estimating gravitational fields with optomechanical systems.
[arXiv:2008.06507] - 23/06/2020
Novel work on self gravity affecting quantum systems.
- 25/12/2019
Novel work on time evolution of generally coupled harmonic oscillators.
[arXiv:1912.11087] - 11/10/2019
Novel work on sensing with nonlinear optomechanical systems.
[arXiv:1910.04485] - 05/08/2019
Novel work on squeezing in optomechanical systems. - 15/04/2019
Novel work on decoupling analytically cross-Kerr interactions of two bosonic modes. - 15/04/2019
Today Our Lady of Paris has burnt. The scars cannot be just washed away with good words, for She has burnt and burns remain.
- 25/12/2018
Novel work. Read about non-Gaussianity of optomechanical systems. - 18/12/2018
Novel work. read about multimode optomechanical systems. - 20/11/2018
Novel work. Read about beating classical precision of spacetime parameters of the Earth. - 25/10/2018
Novel work. Read about Wigner phases in curved spacetime. - 14/03/2018
Pioneering physicist Stephen Hawking died today.
An article about him on BBC.
- 08/12/2017
Novel work. Read about Mechano-Optics. - 24/03/2017
Novel work. Read about experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity. - 20/02/2017
Novel work. Read about work driving time evolution.
- 26/12/2016
Novel work. Read about the gravitational nature of energy - 25/11/2016
El Líder Máximo Fidel Castro dies.
Hasta la victoria, siempre, Comandante. - 25/07/2016
Novel review. Read about Gravity in the Quantum Lab - 20/07/2016
I have been awarded a grant by FQXi to fund my one-year project "Quantum Observers in a Relativistic World" in collaboration with Prof. Ivette Fuentes and Prof. Stefano Mancini. - 19/07/2016
Novel work. Read about bi-squeezed tripartite states. - 06/07/2016
Novel work. Read about extracting energy from gravitational waves. - 01/03/2016
The SONDERERS Travel Magazine goes online. It contains many interesting articles, comments and pictures. - 11/02/2016
The National Science Foundation announces that advanced LIGO has detected gravitational waves.
Read more about it HERE.
Read the paper HERE. - 11/01/2016
Novel work. Read about tunable interacting bosons.
I have been awarded a grant by the John Templeton Foundation to fund my two-year project "Leaps in cosmology: gravitational wave detection with quantum systems" in collaboration with Prof. Ivette Fuentes.
I have been awarded a grant by the John Templeton Foundation to fund my two-year project "Leaps in cosmology: gravitational wave detection with quantum systems" in collaboration with Prof. Ivette Fuentes.
Novel work. Read about the ultra-precise measurements of the rotating parameters of the Earth.
Novel work. Read about the ultra-precise measurements of the rotating parameters of the Earth.
Novel work. Read about the ultimate limit in precision in measurements of relativistic parameters in flat and curved spacetime.
Novel work. Read about the ultimate limit in precision in measurements of relativistic parameters in flat and curved spacetime.
With great grief I learned that Jacob Bekenstein has passed away tonight. He was a great person and a genuine and complete human being. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet and work with him. Rest in peace, Jacob.
With great grief I learned that Jacob Bekenstein has passed away tonight. He was a great person and a genuine and complete human being. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet and work with him. Rest in peace, Jacob.
Nature wrote a MEMORIAL.
Scientific American wrote a MEMORIAL. New York Times wrote a MEMORIAL. Haaretz wrote a MEMORIAL. Washington Post Worte a MEMORIAL. JSpace wrote a MEMORIAL. Scott Aaranson wrote a MEMORIAL. The American Friends of the Hebrew University wrote a MEMORIAL. FQXi wrote a MEMORIAL. SimplyCharly wrote a MEMORIAL. Spinor Info wrote a MEMORIAL Luboš Motl Pilsen wrote a MEMORIAL. Ars Technica wrote a MEMORIAL. Quantum Cannibals wrote a MEMORIAL. Chicago Sun-Times wrote a MEMORIAL. Scitation Physics Today wrote a MEMORIAL. Space News wrote a MEMORIAL. OOYUZ wrote a MEMORIAL. Hashover Press wrote a MEMORIAL. |
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" has appeared in the 2104 NJP Highlights.
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" has appeared in the 2104 NJP Highlights.
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by the NAUKAS network.
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by the NAUKAS network.
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by MOTHERBOARD (VICE).
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by MOTHERBOARD (VICE).
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by the Physics arXiv Blog.
My article "On the weight of entanglement" was reviewed in January 2015 by the Physics arXiv Blog.
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" was reviewed in June 2014 by
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" was reviewed in June 2014 by
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" was reviewed in May 2015 by!
My article "Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments" was reviewed in May 2015 by!
My article "Phonon creation by gravitational waves" was reviewed in March 2014 by!
My article "Phonon creation by gravitational waves" was reviewed in March 2014 by!
My article "Phonon creation by gravitational waves" already featured in March 2014 in the issue of New Scientist!
My article "Phonon creation by gravitational waves" already featured in March 2014 in the issue of New Scientist!
Novel work. Read about general mathematical techniques for Relativistic Quantum Metrology!
Novel work. Read about general mathematical techniques for Relativistic Quantum Metrology!
Novel work. Read about the effects of spacetime on satellite-based quantum communications!
Novel work. Read about the effects of spacetime on satellite-based quantum communications!
Novel work. Read about RQI and Analogue Gravity!
Novel work. Read about RQI and Analogue Gravity!